It’s probably safe to say the hottest topic around all automotive circles has undoubtedly been how the Green Initiative has and will continue to affect the industry. With a clear focus on reducing the carbon footprint of vehicles and finding more environmentally-friendly alternatives, producing electric vehicles and hybrids is not actually the only approach that could help us achieve our goal of a greener future. This tie, let’s look into how both car makers, dealerships and showrooms could do their part in giving our planet a bit of a break.
No Cars Is a No-go
As much as the initial goal of the Green Initiative was to try and reduce the amount of cars and other vehicles roaming the streets, it is pretty clear that people are not exactly rushing to hop on that bandwagon. Most people prefer the flexibility, comfort and privacy that private cars offer when compared to public transportation.

As different countries implemented various incentives to get people on board with opting for public transportation, the pandemic presented an unexpected roadblock that put those efforts to a halt. People became even more dependent on the safety and privacy of private vehicles and public transportation was once again pushed to the backseat as people were not looking to spend time in the close proximity of one another.
By now, the trend of preferring to have one’s own set of wheels doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of stopping, so in order to keep up with the requirements and clear goals set by the governments, the automotive industry has no choice but to find alternative ways to do their part for a more sustainable and green future.
Over Two Thirds of a Journey Is Spent in a Car
According to research, people use their cars to cover 70% of their journeys. This does not necessarily mean just private cars, but also taxis and ride shares. The call to get people to opt for public transportation instead, seems to have done little to nothing to change that approach.
Although alternative, more environmentally-friendly means of transportation have been welcomed to the streets in the form of electric bikes etc. in recent years, there is a level of comfort that can only be provided by cars. People in colder, rainier climates will most likely always prefer the comfort, privacy and safety that comes with driving one’s own car. Ironically, most people seem to be on board with trying to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, but making sacrifices when it comes to their mobility, is not the approach they’re willing to take.

There’s no arguing that no other means of transportation can offer the same amount of flexibility and freedom that a private car does. What also needs to be taken into consideration, is the fact that many elderly people and people with special needs depend on having a car to be able to lead a normal life.
It’s worth mentioning, that it’s not just average people running errands and getting to work that are not ready to give up on their four-wheeled friends. Many important everyday services are still carried out by using traditionally-fuelled vehicles. The ambulance, post services and garbage collection are all great examples of everyday services that depend on having special vehicles to get the work done.
Inspiring Innovation in the Car Industry
Taking the above-mentioned into account, the most obvious and popular approach for directing the automotive industry on a greener path has been the introduction and production of electric vehicles and hybrid cars, to help reduce the immense amount of CO2 emissions the automotive industry is responsible for. There are however other approaches that can lead the industry towards a more sustainable future.
Traditionally the car purchasing process has been one involving a lot of paperwork and many visits to the dealerships and showrooms. There is no arguing this in itself puts a great toll on our Mother Earth. With the world turning more and more towards digitizing and automating processes, this is something the car industry could greatly benefit from.
By implementing more digitalization to the car sales process, the amount of C02 emissions derived from such processes can be reduced significantly. Imagine doing all the necessary paperwork online without having to print out a single sheet. Now, imagine being able to choose and configure the exact car you’re after fully online. You’ll be able to choose the model, colour, interior, all of the accessories and even negotiate the price without having to leave the comfort of your home. This means all the unnecessary drives to the showroom have been made redundant, making the entire car purchase process much more sustainable, not to mention comfortable and less time-consuming.
There’s a Way to Make It Happen
In order to make this approach a reality and digitize their processes, dealerships and showrooms can implement an innovative digital platform created specifically with the needs of the automotive industry in mind. An all-inclusive automotive software solution can help with anything starting from capturing leads and managing them via a high-quality CRM-system, down to sending out offers, signing sales agreements and scheduling car deliveries. Best part of it all – this fully digitized approach will help reduce the carbon footprint of dealerships and showrooms and help customers make greener choices while obtaining their new set of wheels.
If there’s ever been a time to invest in innovation to stay ahead of the game, that time is now.
Check out the automotive software solutions offered by Modera to increase the efficiency of your dealership and reduce the size of your carbon footprint.
Reach out to us for a free demo or if you have any questions.

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