Meet Our People


Raido Toonekurg

Chief executive officer

Raido Toonekurg

Chief executive officer

Janek Prümmel

Chief commercial officer

Janek Prümmel

Chief commercial officer

Siim Vips

Chairman of the Board

Siim Vips

Chairman of the Board

Aleksander Mürisep

Chief Financial Officer

Aleksander Mürisep

Chief Financial Officer

Business development

Janek Prümmel

Chief commercial officer

Janek Prümmel

Chief commercial officer

Uwe Hannes

Director, Business Development EMEA

Uwe Hannes

Director, Business Development EMEA

John Sinclair

Director, Business Development Asia Pacific

John Sinclair

Director, Business Development Asia Pacific

Viktor Matõkin

Chief Delivery Officer

Viktor Matõkin

Chief Delivery Officer

Customer Experience and Development

Kristjan Vaga

Head of Product

Kristjan Vaga

Head of Product

Yulia Gladkova

Director, Customer Success

Yulia Gladkova

Director, Customer Success

Igor Linap

Chief compliance officer

Igor Linap

Chief compliance officer

Stanislav Chichkan

Head of Engineering

Stanislav Chichkan

Head of Engineering

Janno Prümmel

Team lead, Development

Janno Prümmel

Sergei Vizel

Senior software architect

Sergei Vizel

Senior software architect

Martin Mõik

Team lead, Delivery

Martin Mõik

Delivery team lead

Sten Lunden

Senior software architect

Sten Lunden

Senior software architect

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